Thursday, September 15, 2011

My first ever blog, and it's a rant!!!

Just felt the need to rant about the current situation in the Church. It's about priorities and a clear failure on the part of our leadership. Right now, in our midst, hundreds of innocent children are being slaughtered in their own Mother's wombs on a daily basis. And that's in Canada alone! In this same country, a woman who strangled her newborn child was set free by a judge who said she did no wrong seeing as how abortion is legal through all nine months of pregnancy.

Although I can congratulate this judge for being logically consistent, a am abhorred over the subject matter he is being logically consistent about. We as a society teach the horrors of past genocides in our schools and erect memorials for the victims who died in these genocides. We are quick to judge the perpetrators of these genocides, such as the Nazi's for example, with an err of moral superiority. Yet we turn a blind eye to the much more horrific genocide in our midst. Now this doesn't surprise me coming from the secular world, who subscribe to a relativistic view of morality anyway. The Catholic Church on the other hand, has always been the voice of true objective morality for society. So when the Church does not use that voice something is very wrong. I'm not saying that everyone in the Church does not speak out, but the level of outspokenness compared to the gravity of the crime are way out of proportion.

What most recently has highlighted this fact for me is the recalling of Fr. Frank Pavone to his diocese. Fr. Frank has been given permission to work outside his diocese full time as national director of Priests for Life. Recently however, he was recalled by his Bishop. One of the reasons given was that he has become too involved in his pro-life work. Uhm, excuse me? Too involved? That's akin to saying that Martin Luther King Jr was too involved in the civil rights movement. Not to mention that Fr. Pavone is national director of priests for LIFE! Pro-life work is their mandate. Then, on top of that, when I picked up the mail after work (the same day I heard about Fr. Pavone), I had the "Privilege" of reading in the Western Catholic Reporter (a free Catholic newspaper in western Canada) about how religious leaders were among hundreds arrested in the states for protesting a proposed oil pipeline running from the Alberta tar sands to the states.

This especially gets my blood boiling. Religious leaders are willing to get arrested over "climate change" but last year the bishops here in Alberta wouldn't even participate in the Alberta march for life due to the presence of graphic images. Not to mention that when I participated in the last couple 40 days for life campaigns I noticed the dismal participation throughout the diocese. One of the reasons for this was that, at my old parish at least, there was no mention that this was even taking place. When I met with the priest requesting more of a pro-life presence in the parish, I was met with defensiveness and weak kneed excuses. When I emailed them seeking to correct erroneous information in their bulletin I was ignored. What was the info they had posted? A little "fact" that more people die every year from unsafe drinking water than all forms of violence combined. It took me about 2 sec to do a google search and find actual numbers behind this claim. Unsafe drinking water caused somewhere between 3-5 million deaths a year worldwide while abortion caused over 40 million a year worldwide. I was charitable in my communication with them, but was ignored. The erroneous info remained, but I decided I needed to leave and found a new parish. Only time will tell if this one is better. At least their liturgy is slightly more reverent and homilies aren't way out in left field.

That was as of yesterday. Today I was greeted with even more "great" news. While checking my wall on FB, another headline leapt out at me. It read " Confusion as Spokane bishop asks priests not to join 40 days for life vigils" What is wrong with these people, seriously! To petition this, by the way, go here:

Political correctness and the heresy of modernism has run amok for far too long in the Church, and change can't come fast enough. On a good note, the vatican and the SSPX are in talks again. I for one am praying for the SSPX to come back into full communion and help balance things out.

The pro-life issue is the most important battle of our time. I personally believe we will all have to answer to God one day for our action (or inaction) in the face of one of the greatest evils the world has ever known. I wish I had time to do more, but there are those who do nothing. If you are a leader in the Church who is afraid of this issue, you will be judged even more harshly by both God and history. Don't get me wrong. We do have strong pro-life leaders in the Church. However, like I said at the beginning of this post. The proportion is way out of whack....

Pray for the Church my brothers and sisters.....

Lord Jesus
Have Mercy on Us

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